
Nearby tourist attractions

Asahi Brewery
| OMOTENASHI Hostel Miyajima Nearby tourist attractions.

旭酒造 獺祭

【Address】2167 Osogoe Shutouchou Iwakuni City Yamaguchi Prefecture 7420422

This is Asahi brewery to brew Dassai awarded the grand gold prize in the Monde Selection which is the most authoritative food contest in Europe. The deliciousness has been recognized by Japan as well as the world. If you reserve in advance, you can observe the inside brewery and try some fresh brewed Dassai.


By train:Take Iwatoku Line at JR Iwakuni Station and get off at Suoutakamori Station(400 yen) and take a taxi for about 15 min.(2000 yen)
By car:→More Information
